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Presence & Influence Workshop

We'll help you put your best self forward so that you'll have the impact and influence you need

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Do you wish your communication style could be more engaging and impactful?

In today's fast-paced world, the ability to communicate effectively is more important than ever. This dynamic workshop equips you to project confidence, influence conversations, and achieve outstanding results.

Unleash your inner communicator:

  • Develop Your Influence Framework: Learn the 5 key components that fuel impactful communication, from mastering virtual presence to harnessing the power of storytelling.
  • Become a Conversational Architect: Discover how to shape discussions, focus attention, and guide conversations toward your goals. Craft powerful opening questions that spark interest and drive meaningful interactions.
  • Refine Your Delivery: Develop vocal variety, practice brevity, and master the art of synthesis for clear and compelling communication. Explore a practical digital tool that simplifies complex conversations.
  • Sharpen Your Negotiation Skills & Communication Awareness: Learn effective techniques to navigate conversations, achieve win-win outcomes, and identify both helpful and harmful communication patterns.
  • Develop an Action Plan: Solidify your learning with a personalized roadmap for implementing these powerful communication techniques.

Leave this workshop with:

  • Increased Confidence: Project a powerful presence in all communication settings.
  • Actionable Tools: Implement a range of practical techniques to boost your communication effectiveness.
  • Enhanced Communication Awareness: Gain valuable insights into helpful and harmful communication patterns.
kevin s

This was an incredible course, with the right combination of information + examples + interactive practice. The model of influence was awesome - so useful.

The coaches are both knowledgeable and passionate about their work and I walked away learning several valuable lessons that I'll immediately bring to the workplace. Thank you both!

Kevin S. - Engineering Manager - Nova Credit

fiona m

I felt like the way the presentation was laid out was really helpful, for example the clever names for tactics and ways to distill the points down into easily rememberable tactics we could employ

I liked the attention and negotiation tactics, I appreciated that there were a variety of recommendations so I can take them with me and test out what styles will work best for me. I also liked the section about meeting personas because I had never really thought about it that way.

Fiona M. - Media Planner & Buyer - A24

edward k

I enjoyed listening to other coworkers and getting support and ideas to improve ourselves. The storytelling activity was the most impactful part for me. I thought it was great to learn how to properly recover from a derailed conversation without being rude and by being professional.

If you've been in a setting where you don't know how to capture / maintain / recover a conversation or meeting - this workshop will help you. If you already know, I'm confident this workshop will still help you improve those skills. Highly recommended.

Edward K. - Business Analyst - EmpiRx Health


In addition to offering dedicated workshops and programs for teams, we hold regular sessions that are open to individuals.

If you'd be interested in participating as an individual, let us know...

Simple shifts in our routine patterns of interaction make it possible for everyone to be included, engaged, and unleashed in solving problems, driving innovation, and achieving extraordinary outcomes.

Henry Lipmanowicz and Keith McCandless