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Playful Leadership

We'll show you how to harness playful mindsets and tools to increase your impact as a leader dramatically.

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Do you ever feel like the weight of leadership has dampened your creativity and enthusiasm?

As we step into leadership roles, a playful mindset – one that's relaxed, imaginative, and open to exploration – can often get pushed aside. But what if play wasn't a frivolous indulgence, but a powerful tool for unlocking your team's potential?

Join us for this interactive talk that explores the surprising power of Playful Leadership. Discover how fostering a playful mindset can rekindle the joy and creativity that gets subdued by everyday pressures.

Reimagine your leadership approach and unlock hidden potential:

  • Discover the Value of Play: Learn how a playful mindset fuels innovation, problem-solving, and team spirit.
  • Unlock Creativity: Explore the connection between play and generating fresh ideas and solutions.
  • Play & Execution: Understand how playful practices can enhance focus and drive results.
  • Games for Leaders: Experience a fun, small-group games that builds trust, collaboration, and psychological safety.
  • Playful Leadership Practices: Learn practical strategies to become a more playful and effective leader.
  • Q&A: Ask questions and get expert insights on applying these ideas to your own work environment.

This interactive talk is ideal for leaders who want to:

  • Improve team morale and engagement.
  • Boost creativity and innovation within their teams.
  • Foster a more collaborative and positive work environment.
  • Enhance their own leadership skills and effectiveness.
  • Discover the power of play in achieving professional success.
jonathan t

It hasn't been 24hrs since your workshop, and I've already used the phrase "let's play with this idea" several times in order to defuse resistance to seemingly impractical ideas 😎. Thank you so much for reminding us how to be creative at work, and that it's ok to be playful with ideas 🥳

Jonathan T. - Principal Product Manager - J.P. Morgan

shola o

I learnt about really listening to others to cue my responses. I learnt about speaking as a team. I learnt how to use the "yes and phrase". Which I love! The session would best be described as really exciting learning in a totally fun manner.

Shola O. - Director Of Legal Operations - Andela


In addition to offering dedicated workshops and programs for teams, we hold regular sessions that are open to individuals.

If you'd be interested in participating as an individual, let us know...

Almost all creativity involves purposeful play

Abraham Maslow